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Category iOS
In this category you find all articles which are about my iOS apps.
For the category »iOS« I wrote and published 5 articles.
Currently you are viewing the articles 1 to 5.
07/25/2022: Finally the successor of ADchosA 2 is available. Now you ask how can you get the data from ADchosA 2 to ADchosA 3? In this article I will explain that für macOS, iOS and iPadOS.
06/05/2022: Finally the successor of ADhabu is available. Now you ask how can you get the data from ADhabu to ADhabu 2? In this article I will explain that für macOS, iOS and iPadOS.
06/25/2021: Finally the successor of ADbike is available. Now you ask how can I get my data from ADbike to ADbike 2? In this article I will explain that für macOS, iOS and iPadOS.
02/29/2020: In some of my apps for iOS the data will be displayed in tables. You can sort the table data. For that you see some buttons with images in the table head. Underneath you will know, what the images means.
04/15/2017: ADchosA is an app for macOS and iOS, which generates random results. You can have a random result from images, letters, numbers and words. With ADchosA you can also create the numbers for your lotto ticket or a (secure) password. New with the 1.2.x update is, that the minimum length of the password decreases to 4.