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ADapps BLOG: General

basic articles

On the ADapps BLOG you will find information about the apps, I created. The articles on this page will will look sometimes behind the scenes. You will see screenshots from my apps. You will find some quick overviews. You will see what my apps can do. Some FAQ articles I will post, too.

Of course, the blog started in 2017. There will not so much information yet, but with the time will come more and more articles. If you need some in-depth information about an app, which I created: Contact me. Either I will send you only an email or I will post a new article on this blog and give a link to you. Sometimes your questions could be important for others, too. So don't hesitate to contact me or write a comment in this blog or via the apps. (A comment button is in nearly every of my app. On macOS it will be in the help menu. On iOS it will be in the option tab.)